Monday, 14 August 2023

212. See Live Music in Portugal


I went with some friends on a spontaneous suggestion to a club in my bairro which has live music. We walked down into the basement to find nothing but a cute venue, with very limited space, but after about half an hour in we were joined by three Portuguese guitar players. 

The music felt very skilled and flowed beautifully. I will always remember the night because as we chatted, listened and drank my new friend drew me without me knowing from the corner she sat in.

I'd like to go again, so let's see.

Friday, 11 August 2023

236. Make a New Friend


At my age admitting that you're actively making new friends feels strange. Like I've failed in some way fro not having enough. The reality is this can happen at any age and the reasons are varied.

I was lucky in that now that I do art markets making new friends is actually a lot easier. People are very friendly and actually come up to me - something I had not anticipated. As of such, all that is required is some organization and persistence. However, the friend I'm thinking of was definitely more proactive than I was. So in thanks it was more their effort than mine.

It is nice having someone new to spend time with. Especially because this person is so different from my other friends. I can only say I'm very lucky.

Tuesday, 8 August 2023

103. Attend a Jazz Club with Jazz lovers


I'm not a jazz listener unless you include Ethiopian jazz (i know very predictable millennial). Despite this I enjoy it. I just leave my enjoyment for film normally. Experiencing in person I've decided however is the only way to experience it fully thanks to the experimental nature that comes with improvisation and jazz solos.

I went with my partner at the time who is very much a jazz lover, but we found between his jazz knowledge and my knowledge of how to play instruments we made a good duo.

244. Make a meal for a friend


This one has actually happened many times since the first. For some reason I was always fearful of the wrath of social judgement about cooking for those outside what I deem family. I thought my best is only as good as my effort which when it comes to cooking is a sloppy but comforting effort. Still food is food, and what's more cooking for others regardless of the fanciness can actually feel very comforting. I feel good for nourishing my friends. Especially when they're not looking after themselves so well, or simply in need of social nourishment as well as food.

44. Own a Games Console


Ending a relationship comes with the division of items. At least, into yours and there's, and sometimes shared. This relationship ended very amicably and that is most signified by the number of items I've inherited from them in good faith, including this old Playstation.

Now instead of lying in the arms of a lover I'm swaddled between the cushion and sofa arm, playing Stardew valley. Life could be worse.
