Wednesday, 6 November 2019

215. Do a no trash grocery shop for 1 week

A week of no plastic is obviously only a good thing but there have been some difficulties along the way. For starters replacing tea with loose leaf tea and swapping biscuits with dried apples has been great but the weigh shops where I purchase them are 40 mins away and this can make it seem like a big ask. The solution has been to go the shops at the beginning of the week and swap dried apple for home made sweet potato chips (so good by the way!).

From doing this task I've found some alternatives. For instance I now know I love local honey and will keep buying it as a treat. Moreover the local green grocers where everything comes outside of plastic is so much cheaper than the super market and being 2 mins away from my house is super easy!

One hiccup this week, the guy I'm seeing gifted me some alheira in plastic packaging. Yes it was recyclable but given I'm going to keep buying fruit and veg without packaging and loose leaf tea I'll let it go.

Here's my typical weekly shop (I'm on a diet so don't judge)

1 head of lettuce
1 bunch of spinach
2 carrots
2 celery sticks
pot of cinamon
pot of cumin
300g lentils
100g earl grey tea
100 g roibos tea
1 jar honey
3 tomatoes
1 jar chickpeas
2 boxes chicken nuggets
4 tins sardines
2 lemons
1 lime
2 red onions
1 bottle vinegar
1 bottle olive oil
7 croissants
1 jar berry jam
5 prawn rissoles
7 cups of coffee
1 jar olives
3 sweet potatoes

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