Monday, 16 September 2019

11. Go to a Poetry Reading/ Club

This year my brother was performing in Edinburgh, so being the good sister I of course am, I went to visit him and finally see his play he's been preparing and performing for what feels like a year. The play for your information was actually quite brilliant. Written by a fellow student it looked at life for a fashion designer, a drag artist, a photographer and their lovers.

I've been to Edinburgh before but it was years ago and it was wonderful returning to the beautiful city, and most of all to experience all the shows. Being there is a bodily experience. There's nothing like it. Every show I saw was a beautiful slice of insight and heart - so much heart that my mind felt transformed into something quite thoughtful and magical. It's hard to explain but it really was quite good.

One of the best experiences turned out to also be a resolution. Go to a poetry reading. Apart from studying poetry at school and loving Rupi Kaur's Milk and Honey, I've never really gotten into poetry. After seeing a friend of my brother's play however, I was left with a gap to see something and found across the road in Bar Bados a free show of poetry. I almost didn't go, but in the end I headed up the heavily graffiti-ed staircase and into a tiny but cosy room where I watched an hour of cactus by Jemima Foxtrot.

It was beautiful and I'm so happy I went. The poet paired her spoken word with song, which vulnerable and pretty allowed me to sink deeper into the performance, with subjects like a world on the brink of death, a drag king persona and a poem written entirely in words featuring only the vowel e. I loved this apple-hearted piece.

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