Thursday 17 October 2024

283. Revisit France


I spent a week in Paris, the first two nights alone, the last few with a friend. The apartments were as always luscious even in their diminutive size. I love the grey rooves of Paris. They make any view, especially when paired with the grey skies of October.

I was very poor this time, so lots of baguettes were had. I also bought presents for my loved ones. The worst offender though was eating out. Especially hot drinks! 

I sketched every day this holiday and found it to be a great way to forget my poorness. I also felt much more relaxed than the week when my friend had visited, so close to this trip. Seeing people you love in different contexts can really help bonds.

I didn't really speak French. Even with my podcasts. And I didn't meet a French guy to kiss. Very disappointing. 

240. Sketch outside five times


 I went to a beach. I tried to capture the people along the landscape of the shore. The pictures were very crude.


 I went to a forest. I sketched in front of my phone which may have been a mistake. The pictures were also crude but i made on which I was happy with and would like to interpret into another drawing for a print.


I went to a beach town where I live. Some of my favourite sketches come from this time.


I went to Rome and drew almost every day. Soemtimes outside, sometimes at home. The portraits were good, the architectural drawings not so much.


I went to Paris. The sketches were much better but still quite crude. I had the most fun and even sketched in front of a friend - something I'd never done.

Sunday 22 September 2024

275. Attend therapy 5 times


It was only until recently that I accepted that my old therapist wasn't scamming me and was actually real. This was when I found an interview of her online. I have to say therapy is strange. The point evades me but one holds true - desabafar: to unload your troubles onto someone else.

It feels freeing opening up to someone at first but after session two or three the point of therapy seems strange. I recognise quite easily where I am in my life and where I need to be. What do I need the therapist for?

154. Help an old person with something


I think in my head this would be an action for a neighbour that would result in a friendship. Instead it was a 15 min intervention that yes, positively impacted the life of the poor man but only briefly.

I was walking up the hill to my house when I noticed him slumped over a bollard, bag in tow. I stopped and asked him if he needed help in Portuguese. My language skills are rusty but he accepted and we walked up the hill together, bag now in my hand, him by my side. It took some time but we reached his door. At the door he offered to pay me some coins but I replied "I have a grandpa, please no thank you." This confused him slightly but he walked into the entry and up to his house whilst I stayed by the front door and left.

Thursday 19 September 2024

142. Stay in a stranger's home (not a complete stranger)


When completing a visit to the UK I decided to save money in Edinburgh and rent a room instead of a private one or flat on Airbnb. The host was a lady called Liz who lived alone and was quite a bit older than myself.

I arrived in the daytime to a very quiet part of Edinburgh. Most definitely the suburbs. Liz welcomed me inside quite sleepily with a plethora of chat. We talked over tea for a good hour about ourselves and our lives. Liz explained how she'd lived abroad for much of her young adult life and I assume met her husband there. She was in a way a bit like myself in that respect.

It's funny because I've always described myself as quiet and shy but at the end my review from Liz was that I was outgoing and open! It was such a welcome surprise I'd say it's had quiet a positive affect on my outlook of myself.

This said staying with a stranger is of course daunting but it has to be said if you're brave you really will discover another side to yourself.

255. Raise Money for a Charity


So far it's only a little but this year I made 4 scarves for Doctor's Without Borders. It's my first time using my own initiative to raise money for cause I feel passionately about. I guess I'm lucky I have the means to actually make and sell something successfully. 

Sunday 15 September 2024

202. Volunteer Somewhere


For the past month I've been volunteering once a week at a cat shelter. It's wonderful. I clean the rooms, something I've discovered I secretly love. Then I feed them, water them and play with and stroke them.

I was apprehensive before. My main concern with cats is scratching. Even though I've twice been a cat owner, I always suspected mine were somehow kinder than others. The reality is it's very easy to avoid being scratched. Even when clearing around them. That said a cat has bitten me, but no marks were left.
